Thinking your way is the only way things should be viewed is the harmful energy of a closed mind. Why this is harmful is because it doesn’t allow for the free flowing energy of an open mind which can view things objectively instead of through the limiting factor of only one view. When the mind is closed nothing loving can come out of it because a closed mind has no flow to it. It’s as if you have already made up your mind how things are and this doesn’t allow for anything but that one very limited view. A closed mind is from the same energy as a car stuck in the mud. The tires spin, but the car remains stuck. As a matter of fact this energy actually creates a deeper rut that becomes almost impossible to break free of. As the tires spin the rut just gets deeper and deeper. There’s energy being applied here, but it’s not an energy of beneficial value.
Even if your view is of truth it matters little because the moment you think it’s the view all should have, it cuts off the free flowing energy of openness. The energy of a closed mind is judgmental so there’s no benefit to it because it doesn’t allow for love. To be open to allow everyone their space to see things as they do is the energy of freedom. To be closed limits and this causes one to be in bondage to that one limited usually a selfish based view. It’s never about being right, it’s more so learning to not allow labeling and judgements of what arises in the present moment. It’s doesn’t mean you can’t point others to the possibility of seeing things different, but it can never be at the expense of pushing anything away or pulling anything in. With open minded energy one can see truth, and it can remain free flowing and beneficial as long as there isn’t attachment which closes the mind and only allows you to see things one way.

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