Observing what arises is basically all that one can do. There’s nothing more that can be done because any doing takes away from being able to observe. Either one will see what arises or they won’t. If it’s not seen it will become a mind agitation which will be attached to and then the reaching for something to quiet the agitation will commence. This attaching to what arises is what causes one to suffer in the form of thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas, and so on. If there isn’t attachment to what arise, observing is what happens, but you don’t become the observer because then it becomes a doing ; observing is just something that occurs. Just see and don’t add to it. You hear a dog bark, you just hear, there doesn’t have to be attaching to hearing the dog bark. The Conditioned Mind is very subtle, it will always try to attach something. Without a settled the mind agitations will rule.
Read my article and attach to the label that the mind agitation projects. Like it or don’t like it, see some value or don’t, the thing is those labels are the result of a mind agitation that makes you have to judge whatever it is that arises in the moment. If you can’t just observe it without adding to it, it’s because you have attached to the arisen agitation. This all comes from within the one that life happens to, but nothing really happens to you, it just happens. When driving a car or whatever else it is that arises, just observe, add nothing. When one becomes the observer, there’s attachment to “I”. When there’s just observing what arises, there’s no “I” involved so there’s no attachment. When you become the observer the one who just observes disappears, that is until “I” is let go of, it is then that one can simply observe without labeling the observer.

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