The origination of all beliefs arise from the attachment to a self that doesn’t exist in the way the Conditioned Mind makes it appear. Without this belief and attachment to self no other belief would be given energy to arise nor would one be needed. Many times throughout the day especially when I just wake up, the self gets attached to which creates the belief this or that is needed to be in some other way, this stems strictly from the belief there is a self. What I have learned to do which immediately drops the attachment is to say “form is emptiness, emptiness is form”this provides a release point which instantly transforms the attaching energy to non attaching energy. Attaching energy will run its course unless something is in place to stop it. This is because what’s of the mind remains of the mind, that is until it doesn’t.
For me saying “form is emptiness, emptiness is form” takes the mind based attaching energy and neutralizes it. That’s what happens when this particular saying is used, but the saying isn’t magic, it’s the truth of the statement that has transforming quality’s. It also works when the breath is used, chanting, tapping, guided meditation, or whatever else is used to put one in the present moment. The minds energy controls in a circular motion. This is why there’s the constant barrage of repetitive thoughts and why it’s so difficult to break free from the Conditioned Mind grip. Truth transforms, so when the illusion of self is truly seen, there’s a settling of the mind. This allows one to simply be in the only place where truth exist; the present moment. And although form does exist in the present moment, it’s empty because it’s doesn’t exist in the way the Conditioned Mind makes it appear.

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