To me starting the day in silence is of immense value because if silence isn’t embraced when the day begins, it will be very difficult for it to be embraced as the stories of the day unfold. Sit in the morning and take periodic breaks throughout the day and one day you will notice there is more silence than noise, and without noise the need for a story doesn’t exist. Silence has to be established in the morning because it’s when the noise is the loudest.
This noise that I’m referring to manifest as a story of whatever one thinks will make life the way that they think it’s needed. Every story is made up for one’s own satisfaction, regardless of how it plays out. Even if it’s to help others, if investigated deeper it’s to make one feel better. This holds true for any story. I don’t know if there’s a meaning to life, but I do know it’s not to make up a story that used to justify existence just to feel better.
This is what the unconscious mind does, it creates story after story, all to make one believe it will make you feel better, but life isn’t about feeling better by manufacturing some story. To me life isn’t really about anything in particular, but to learn how to be with the silence of what’s occurring right now. Just being with what happens and not resisting it stops the story of needing to arrange life to make it the way you think it needs to be. When this is seen one will be with the peace that passes all understanding and there won’t be a need to create a story to make it so.

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