When one comes upon a defining moment in their life, depending on where they’re at in their state of consciousness, it will either be used as a defining moment to awaken or it will be missed and the moment will delve one deeper into their unconsciousness. When there is awareness of this defining moment, it puts one in alignment with their true essence of love. This is a moment that can change the direction of one’s entire existence. One can have many defining moments, a few of them, or just one. I had one in 2007 that altered the way I viewed existence.
I now have this moment to use as a reference point to describe the defining moment that transformed my life. It’s not like I don’t habitually return to some of my old conditioned behaviors, but no longer do they define me because I see the behavior was only done because it’s what I was conditioned to do; it no longer defines who I am. One can make up many stories as to who they are, by only when a defining moment exposes the lies can truth be known. What this truth has defined for me is not so much who I am, but more so who I am not, and because the truth of who I am not is known I now know who I am, and it really doesn’t need to be defined.

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