You will never be free if you do not love. Love is the doorway to liberation. To see this a shift has to occur which allows you to get out of the way of all the preoccupied distractions that goes on between your ears. These distraction are what blocks out love from manifesting in one’s life. There are many doors to love, but there is only one that leads to liberation. If you don’t love, liberation will not be experienced and this is because the doorway most step through is based in selfishness. You may tell yourself you are free, but If you’re all caught up in your own thoughts, what’s truly going on will be missed; what’s missed is the true essence of your own innate love within.
To use love as a doorway to liberation the preoccupations with our thoughts will have to settle enough to allow this to be seen. Thinking, thinking, thinking, is just the way our conditioning holds us in captivity and keeps us preoccupied with ourselves. Basically we have to lose interest in ourselves and focus on the deeper process of love being a doorway to liberation. I’m not into positive thinking or affirmations, to me they’re just distraction; one cannot see what’s truly going on if you’re always trying to be the little engine who could. In the space between our thoughts is where our innate love is, waiting. When one awakens from being stuck in the thought realm to see this, the door to liberation opens.

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