Letting go is the key in taking the next step in the evolution of yourself and humanity. Those who came before us and left directions served their purpose, but now a new millennium is here where the process has to keep expanding for humanity to keep on evolving. As I can only share my own experience with this, the reason for my suffering prior to ten years ago, even though I was shown a solid way was because I was dependent on the way and not it’s message. As long as this dependency on a way is in place, the cause of suffering will be in place and the evolutionary process will not expand.
If there’s dependency on the idea of God, Religion, any program, success, books, Guru’s, and anything else that’s being labeled and used as the way, this will not allow the expansion in the next step of the evolution process, yours and humanity’s. I’m not concerned if this is seen or agreed with, but this is a truth that is missed by 99.99999% of humanity. I take up the challenge, prove to me this isn’t true. You can argue with this from your Conditioned Mind as it will say who does this guy think he is, but I just state a fact, this will have to be investigated to see if it’s true. All dependencies are a made up story, there’s nothing factual to them, and that’s because a dependency is simply a made up belief, concept, or idea, that something from the outside is needed for completeness. What is stated here is factual and it’s only in the facts of non attachment that truth will be revealed. This is the next step in the evolutionary process, the question is are you willing to let go of your dependencies so the next step can be taken?

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