A Conditioned Mind is programmed to do certain things and it will do just that. This occurs whether one wants it to or not. It has to occur because the mind has been conditioned to be this way. Our mind becomes programmed just like a computer operating system so unless the operating system is changed or at least upgraded to some degree, it will remain as originally programmed. It’s imperative to understand this so first the conditioning in place can be identified and second so what may not be serving you in the most beneficial way can be changed. Realizing this is the beginning stages of the possibility for the conditioning to change. This will take willingness because of how engrained the conditioning is, but this is more of an awareness thing than an actual exertion.
Once one becomes aware there’s another way to live, the process of changing begins. This is difficult at first because part of the original conditioning holds onto the familiar even if it’s not providing much benefit. It’s how the merry go round mind remains in place; even at the point of its own destruction. It has many tools and influences in place to do this, some inner, some outer, but it’s all just part of the conditioning. This is why when a person acts in a particular way and why they are more accountable than responsible for what they do. If anything is ever going to change in our world, the conditioning in place will have to change. This will only happen when it’s seen the conditioning is doing what its been designed to do, but it isn’t providing you with the most beneficial results possible.

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