Everyone is in the grip of something, it’s how tight the grips hold is that determines the degree of bondage and hence suffering. Many different consequences are a result of the grips hold, but make no mistake any grip results in being in prison to it. It can be a grip as subtle as must having your morning cup of coffee or a more damaging grip to drugs, alcohol, gambling, tobacco products, and anger, to name a few. The things used as the grip varies for everyone; as it is seen so it shall be. There are those grips that are common for everyone such as food, shelter, companionship, basic survival and whatnot. There’s the grip which is wide spread, but not attached to by everyone, this grip manifest as politics, porn, substance abuse, alcohol, sports, pleasure seeking, wealth, and many others. Then there’s the grip at the individual level, our pet peeves. The squeak in the car, annoyances of a person acting a certain way, traffic, and a number of other things.
What the grip makes a person reach for is generated by different energy, although wanting things different is the common link. Some grips seek sense pleasure, others simply want what’s happening right now to stop. Some grips have pushing energy like if you go to the doctor and get a diagnosis you don’t like. Others have pulling energy like seeing something attractive that you want, whether right now or making plans to attain it at a later date. The grip uses many disguises so if one doesn’t investigate this for themselves what is gripping you will go unnoticed. But make no mistake just because what has a hold of you isn’t seen, it doesn’t mean you aren’t in the grip. What it does mean is the grip has total control and you probably don’t even notice it…

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