I often refer to the phrase I made up and enjoy using “Knowing all about the apple doesn’t make it taste better” here’s exactly what is meant by this. At the age of twenty eight 1988 to be exact, I put down alcohol for the last time and haven’t had any since. At that time I became immersed in studying the 12 Steps of AA. I learned a lot about alcoholism, and how I was selfish and self centered which was at the core of why I had to reach for something. I attained a lot of knowledge, but it seemed I was missing something; I was still reaching, just not for alcohol. I had much knowledge of the AA program and its 12 Steps, but I have since discovered knowledge alone isn’t enough for one to experience a transformation of the spirit.
This relying on knowledge alone is how people become dependent on programs, fall into the therapist trap, keep reaching for another book, seminar, retreat, or whatever. This is where you learn about yourself, but it doesn’t really enhance life to the point where there is freedom from the bondage of self. What happens is knowledge alone which is of the mind, keeps one stuck in their head. Knowledge isn’t a bad thing, but it can keep you entrapped in the head and you will never experience an expansion of the heart from there. The heart which only beats in the present moment is the only place of true existence. It’s where life actually happens and it’s where one’s spirit can transform without the knowledge of trying to make it happen. It’s in the stillness of life that truth is revealed and it doesn’t take knowledge to make it so.

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