Listening to what arises allows for harmony with life so what’s not of the mind can be heard; thoughts block this from occurring. What arises is always there, but it’s not always heard because of the noise between one’s ears. We are mostly programmed to live visually without taking much time to truly listen to what life is saying and thus we don’t truly hear. Living visually becomes the default view of many. Visual living is why one gets pulled around by outer circumstances and it’s because hearing what arises underneath the visual hasn’t been developed. There’s no way one can fully understand life intellectually so answers are made up, but in the space of what arises one hears what life is saying so answers aren’t needed. Listen to what arises and hear what life is saying. Develop your listening skills through sitting; just being with the sounds of what arises. Add nothing, take nothing away, just sit, listen, be with what arises.
Listening to what arises is so different than being drawn in by the visual view. This is because through the visual view a label of like or dislike is instantly applied and attachment follows to the point where it gains control. As this occurs the silence of what is actually occurring is missed. This is the beginning of how our stories are created and it’s because the space of what arises will be filled with something; it will either be a story or silence. Learning to hear what occurs as it arises is a skill few develop. Until it becomes the primary way life is viewed, the visual will continue to keep one in bondage to the senses as the outer circumstances remain in control and don’t allow for what life is saying to be heard.

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