Whenever a person touches on their creative energy an exuberance occurs that can only come from this creative touch. When the creativity arises from this space it doesn’t matter whether you get paid for it or not. A songwriter enjoys writing whether the song is a number one hit on the charts or if it just remains in their personal collection. I don’t write to get money or anything else, I just enjoy writing, I create with words. The most important thing about creativity is to allow it to arise from the stillness of the heart. I don’t try to be anything that I’m not. It’s important for me to stay within the boundaries of what I know and write from there.
Regardless of your talent, whether you’re a musician, writer, artist, singer, actor, good at your day to day job, a parent, or whatever, let your creative energy engulf you. It’s what I do, it’s how I see what I see. Don’t fall prey to what the world offers, find what your own heart offers. Become the instrument the Universe plays its beautiful music through, whatever that music manifest as; mine manifest as writings. Understand though this doesn’t complete you, you are complete as you are. Realizing this will help you to just watch your inner creativity arise without attaching to it. I know this from experience and only the creative tip of the iceberg has been exposed to me. When my mind settled writing arose, all I did was look inward. It amazes me to this day that not only was I used to write a book, but I’m also used to write a daily article that touched lives and to me this is creativity at its finest.

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