There’s always a lot of discussion when it comes to the topic of truth. Many hold onto the idea that everyone’s perception is different so everyone has their own truth, but what was revealed to me is there is only one truth, and it isn’t mine, lol. If you are taking a test and you have a question that requires a true or false answer, if the answer to the question is false, but you see it as being true and answer it as so, that doesn’t make your answer correct. You can argue about it, state your opinion on why you answered true, but just because you think it’s true doesn’t mean it is. To know truth requires a quiet mind, the more one holds on to the thought of what truth is, the less actual truth there is.
What has been revealed to me is seeing truth in the context as love, nothing else. What arose when my mind settled was there aren’t different versions of truth, there are different perceptions of it, but that doesn’t make it true. Yes we all see things differently, and we all like to hold onto what we have been conditioned to think truth is, but if we all came from a place of love, we would be falling over each other for a better humanity, not trying to conjure up a made up version of what we think truth is. Once one truly awakens to come from a place of love, the only thing left to learn is how to remain in this place. This place needs no explanation, nor defending, it wells up from deep within and although not everyone will agree with what is written here because of the conditioning in place, if you do you will know this is truth because you will not only be coming from a place of love, you will be set free.

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