Everything arises from the stillness of life, but it’s at that exact time that there will either be attachment to form or there will be freedom from it. This is the dilemma of life or at least it is for the one who see this. If it’s not seen you will just go on your merry way attached to form because there won’t be the awareness to not attach to it. You would think this would be a dilemma if it wasn’t seen, but since you don’t know what you don’t know, there’s no dilemma, at least to the one who doesn’t know. Unconsciousness is ignorance and although there’s no bliss in being ignorant, there is a certain innocence in not knowing what you don’t know. I suffered for years not knowing what I didn’t know, but now the suffering is so much less because of the awareness of what causes suffering.
Even though there’s so much more awareness of suffering, not only mine, but the suffering of others, I prefer this way as opposed to living in ignorance because it is in this exact moment that I am free. If you know the cause of something, it can be changed. If you just know there’s something causing you to suffer, but are not sure what it is, the suffering will most likely continue in one form or another. Know your own mind and don’t concern yourself with anything else. Break the chains to the attachment to form and you will know freedom. Or not and remain in bondage to the very thing that causes you to suffer. Everything arises from stillness, it’s at that time that there will either be attachment to form or there will be freedom from it.

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