There are many things used that are put in the category of what addiction is, but what’s not understood about this is none of them have anything to do with addiction. I know not many people see this, but until they do, addiction will remain at the level of epidemic proportion. Why I say this is because what’s not addressed by the so called addiction experts is why a person needs to alter the way that they feel. That’s what’s at the root of addiction; the need to reach for something to fulfill a feeling of lack. That’s the true addiction, not the thing being reached for. If the feeling of needing to alter one’s current mind state was understood, then one could choose not to do it, but since it’s not understood, the reaching must commence once the feeling of needing to alter your current mind state arises. The true addiction is in the thought of needing the present moment different. If needing the present moment different was not the case, reaching for something would never occur. I know they are two parts to this, mental and physical, but the physical is only a secondary reaction to the mental. Before anything is reached for and actually used physically, the mental has to take a firm position that the thing is needed.
Nobody abuses drugs, takes a drink of alcohol, gambles, or gives into any desire without there being a need to fill a desire. Without having the thought of a desire one would be free of any addiction. You see it’s our thoughts that cause the actual problem; the fixated attention on a substance is secondary. If the addiction epidemic is ever going to stop, there will have to be a change of focus on to why there’s an epidemic in the first place. It’s because there’s a thinking epidemic in the world and it’s why the world is in such disarray. So much that’s done in our society reinforces this conditioned thinking that it keeps one reaching outside themselves to change the way that they feel. Until one understands there’s never a true need to change the way that you feel, addiction will remain at the level of epidemic proportion because the need to want the present moment different will be at the core of what one thinks about.

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