Just be silent and all will work itself out. To me there’s a silent phenomenon about life that’s hard to put into words, it has to do with how everything will pass regardless of what happens, but the silence is always there. It’s been this way and will continue this way forever. Even if for some reason there was no more Earth, the Universe wouldn’t miss a beat, existence in whatever form would still be. This is what makes life so strange, it just does its thing regardless of what humanity does; humanity is just one part. All the noise, greed, hate, and delusion only mean something to a noisy mind, it means nothing to the Universe. There was a study done on what would happen if humanity became extinct and the result was life on earth would simply go on, just not for man. This silent phenomenon of life is what most of us are searching for, but the reason it’s not revealed is because there’s not enough silent space to experience it.
To live in this silence is where everything works out, not because it’s the way you want it to be, but because it’s the way it is. The value of being silent isn’t given enough attention by the individual or the collective in today’s society. Life is mostly looked at as a doing (noise) and this is constantly reinforced. Most people don’t have the tools to be silent so it’s fleeting at best. When of the mind the mind causes suffering. If silent on can not suffer because there’s no mind agitations causing it. One has to be just as ok with perfect disease as with perfect health for there to be silence. Only when silent will it be seen that everything will work itself out and that’s because there’s no wanting anything different.

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