Feelings and emotions seem to be a natural part of life, but it’s been my experience that they are not, they’re just conditioned concepts handed down by people who say they’re needed. There are no facts to either of them, there’s attachment that’s for sure and that’s the only reason they exist beyond their initial arising. I’m not saying they won’t arise, especially in situations where loved ones are involved or if something is done that you apply the label of personal to it, but this still doesn’t make either one of them factual, they are still just a story. I was controlled by my emotions and feelings for a very long time and it probably wouldn’t have changed had I stayed the same, but something change me that exposed many of the lies that I took as gospel. I was conditioned to fall into the trap of what others thought life was about and basically this made me a slave to their conditioning as well as my own.
When one awakens to the fact that emotions and feelings are overrated, although as stated they will arise, their control lessens to a large degree because seeing there are no facts associated with them helps one not attach to them. For me the quieter my mind became, the more the conditioned lies were exposed and as they were exposed, this is what allowed me to see the nonsense of my conditioning and to stop attaching to it. Stuff happens there’s no denying this, how it affects you is directly related to the feelings and emotions that are attached to. Why this is a problems is because this makes something factual that’s just not real.

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