Taking on God's Role

The Universe does its thing without any help whatsoever from humans. Until this is seen, one will judge and the role of God will be taken on. It’s in one’s judgements that they are judged.

Every time a judgement is made that something is right or wrong or it needs to be a certain way, it’s as though the role of God is taken on. I use the word God here in the sense of energy, not as an almighty power. Our finite minds like to think we know what’s best not only for ourselves, but also for others. We really don’t though because there is so much that goes on that’s unknown. Of course the story that you know can be made up and this is when the role of God is taken on. Not judging is difficult because of the harm humans do to each other, but when a judgement is made it blocks love from being present in one’s life. There are many tragic events that occur throughout life, some natural, some from human behavior, the thing to do if there’s to be constant loving energy is to not look for a reason as to why things happen. There really isn’t any rhyme or reason as to why most things happen, but to the Conditioned Mind this isn’t acceptable so it needs answers; mostly they are made up.

You think you know what’s going on, you breathe, bleed, heal, and many other things that just occur and it has nothing to do with any doing on your part. There have been many wars and tragic events throughout history and although the exact reason as to why they occur isn’t known, playing God and making up some story just blocks the love in your heart. When you judge something in the Universe as being out of place, you take on the role of God and you emit the exact energy you are against. The Universe does its thing without any help whatsoever from humans. Until this is seen, one will judge and the role of God will be taken on. It’s in one’s judgements that they are judged.

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