Selfish energy harms, loving energy heals. It really is as simple as this statement, but recognizing the difference of the two is what’s tricky. You would think the differences would be obvious, and they may be if you’re truly awake, but that’s not the case because of the unawareness of most of just what a Conditioned Mind is. I know one can only see what is within, but very few have the willingness to look within to truly see what truth is; a story of truth is not truth. I love when someone says “we all have our own perception of truth” but what’s not understood is that’s the problem because there’s only one truth and this makes everyone have some kind of selfish agenda, even if it’s not seen in this way; the Conditioned Mind is diabolical. That’s where those who truly see differ as there’s no agenda attached to what is done. Very few people actually see how much selfish energy is in place and how much harm is really caused. It has been my experience that all arises from stillness and it doesn’t need my spin put on it.
A true instrument will simple do what’s in front of you. That’s the only time an instrument can be truly played; in the Now. If you want to be a true instrument, the Universe will have to do the playing. Even those attempting to put loving energy out into the world don’t see how that’s just a story. Very few truly see this. How one will know they’re stuck in this space is since everything arises from silence if one attaches a label associated with noise to the silence, they, not the Universe becomes the player of the instrument and this makes the instrument out of tune. The only way loving energy can be emitted out into the world is by allowing the silence of the Universe to play the instrument without one putting their conditioned selfish spin on it. It will be then that loving energy heals and selfish energy simply falls away.

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