If life is lived between the distinction of it being good or bad, whichever one is chosen they are really one in the same. Granted the outer behavior will be different, but the inner energy will be the same because both good and bad are a made up concept of the way one thinks life should be. Of course the Conditioned Mind loves the good and wants to push away what it considers as bad. Concepts lead to problems because they’re made up. It’s the reason I write as I do and why my writings are based in finding a true place within that doesn’t require a story or concept for there to be peace in your life. If you’re not at peace right now, ask yourself why. What do you think it would take to be at peace? More knowledge of spirituality, more money, better health, better job, better spouse, and the list goes on. The truth is nothing on the outside will make the inside better because why you think the inside needs to be better is an inside job which will only get better when it’s realized it’s already as good as it’s going to get.
Life isn’t a competition of who knows more about spirituality or who has more stuff, to me the only thing that matters is if I’m in my place within that doesn’t required a made up concept and story. Nothing else and I truly mean this, nothing else matters. To me life isn’t about anything, nor does it have to be. When the need arises to make it about something, instantly one is pulled from their place within and with it goes their peace. I know the Universe has done for me what I could never have done for myself, but it’s not a competition to be more spiritual than anyone else, it’s simply to find that place within which doesn’t require a story or concept to be peace and to remain there as much as possible.

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