Loving and accepting yourself as is and not using a sledge hammer to beat yourself up when there are reactions to situations that aren’t based in love, is probably one of the most difficult lessons I’ve learned in the last ten years. I’ve never claimed to be anything but human and I seem to prove it everyday, but it’s of paramount importance that I remember this because my human conditioning has deeply engrained triggers that are less than favorable. This isn’t to just discount unloving behavior by saying it is what it is, but waking up and coming from a place of love to me has been a slow process. In some ares the change has been profound and in other areas not so much. It pains me when I act in the selfish manner that was always in place prior to ten years ago, but now there are mostly momentary flare ups of selfish behavior instead of being the norm. It’s so important to recognize this because if you don’t, the selfish conditioned energy remains and gains a stronger foothold to repeat its engrained patterns.
Unloving behavior hurts, but it doesn’t only hurt you it hurts others as well. This is when it gets touchy because if you don’t accept what has been done, the past energy is than in control of the present along with selfish energy. Accepting the imperfections of yourself is just as important as accepting yourself when you’re acting in a loving manner. The key here is to remain with loving energy regardless of what happens, not easy, but the alternative is to be with energy that’s not conducive to love and this doesn’t benefit anyone. People may be hurt by you because of the engrained Conditioned Mind Patterns in place, but how long it affects them is part of their conditioning. If things are to ever change, love has to be the energy in place regardless of how unloving one may act as the imperfections have to be accepted as if they were perfect.

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