Heart breaking and yet if one attaches to what happened in Las Vegas, the energy of the individual who did this remains in place and basically the unconsciousness wins. Unfortunately the world is mostly unconscious and many more things like what happened in Las Vegas are going to occur; just look at the violence of how history repeats itself. The unconscious energy causes so much destruction because that’s it’s nature. To me it’s inevitable that these things happen because of the unconsciousness that’s in place. It pains me to see this because it doesn’t accomplish anything, it just causes suffering. This is real to the extent that it’s happening, but we’re living in delusional times where any true sense of reality is simply missed because of all the nonsense that’s in plaice. From the entertainment industry, to our schools, the food industry, and so on, the tools in place are keeping the unconscious energy as the primary energy that we live by. To come from a place of purity is not the norm. It will only be a matter of time before a nuclear weapon is launch somewhere. This doesn’t mean you don’t love and do everything you can to spread it, but the unconscious energy is winning the battle and even though love does make progress, the unconsciousness of individuals causes so much harm that it’s hard to see.
This is why I do what I do, but there are even tools in place to prevent the message of love from being spread. Social media, FB especially controls what’s put out, as I have recently been blocked from posting in groups, I only post in groups that ask me to, but to no avail. The news media as the entire entertainment industry is also controlled and ruled by unconscious energy, as is world wide politics. There’s much to overcome if loving energy is to ever become humanities primary energy. The key is to not attach any emotional behavior to the unconscious acts that are done. If you truly love there will be much compassion and that’s the energy that may someday change the world, but for now one has to be ok with the way things are because wanting it different just reinforces the judging energy that’s controlling the world.

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