Unity With Yourself

The results of what you do in life are in direct proportion to what's practiced. Tomorrow's results are because of what you do today. If there isn't a practice that allows for unity with yourself, unity will not be possible...

What makes you do things that breaks the unity with your mind, body, and spirit? I have been working out for nearly thirty years, for many of those years it was strictly done so I wouldn't get fat, not a bad reason by any means, but it had nothing to do with being in unity with my mind, body, and spirit. It was done so I would look good to others and keep my ego satisfied. I never understood the importance of having mind, body, and spirit in unity, so there were many things I did that caused my life to be unbalanced. Even though the physical was being satisfied, because of my lack of understanding of the importance of mind, body, and spirit unity I didn't know how to do the things necessary to allow it, and unknown to me at the time, this caused much self-inflicted suffering in my life.

I was doing things like using tobacco products, not eating heathy, drinking too much alcohol, abusing pain medication, gambling, amongst many other behaviors that kept me in bondage. In 1987 I stopped drinking alcohol and using drugs, but all the other behaviors remained in place, and even though I started working out many times I was just going through the motions. I also had some anger issues and didn't know why. Once my alcoholic drinking and drug use stopped, life naturally got better. By societies standards I had the perfect life or so it seemed, but there were are many things that kept my life from being in unity. What I have since discovered is this, if there's a deficiency in any one of the three areas of mind, body, or spirit, this will create a deficiency within oneself, which in turn creates disharmony with life. When there’s disharmony with life, there’s disharmony with yourself; without harmony life has no choice but to be out of balance. The simplest tool to be balanced is to look down at your feet, when this is done unity naturally occurs because there’s no thought of separation...

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