What is considered evil by one is probably not considered evil by the one acting in an unloving way. The considered evil and the unloving act are both mind formations. The formations are just based in a different belief of what is right and what is wrong, but who’s to say which is which? If it brings harm to another this can be used as a gauge, but this isn’t a true measure of what is right or wrong? It may be to the one being harmed, but again whoever is doing the harm thinks what they’re doing is right or they wouldn’t do it. It gets especially confusing when the person doing the harm justifies that it is being done for the greater good. It may be for the greater good of what they believe, but not the greater good of what you believe. This is what makes it confusing, who’s greater good is right?
I am not saying this to justify what harms others do, but to just bring awareness that they may not think it is a harm and just because you do doesn’t make it so. This doesn’t mean anyone can do as they please without being held accountable, but who has never harmed someone in some way? I know this isn’t popular to discuss, but we are all conditioned in certain ways, some more than others; when it’s learned to truly know yourself this will be understood. If the time needed to learn this isn’t taken than it will not be understood and you will suffer at the hands of someone who is conditioned to cause harm to others. The tragedy in this is we all begin our existence innocent, but our minds become conditioned to block it out; this conditioning is more prevalent in some. I don’t profess to understand why we have evolved like this, but we have. If this isn’t addressed we are going to continue to harm each other as a society; the only way anyone’s behavior will change is if the conditioning in place changes…

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