Life works with you when you work with life. If one of these three isn’t in place and the they’re not balanced equally, it will be that part of your life that you will lack in and therefore cause your own suffering. It will be to the degree of this lack that suffering will be a prevalent part of your life. This has nothing to do with anyone else, what happened to you as a child, or whatever else may have happened in your life. This isn’t dependent on social status, what you do for a living, how much money you have in the bank, owe, or anything else; feel free to add to this list. The only thing that really matters in life is what you are doing right now to keep these three aspects of life in unity so you can remain in balance and reach the maximum potential of your given life.
If there is uneasiness in your life, look and see if you are lacking in any one of these areas and bring it in balance. You will see how the ship (your life) rightens itself when life is balanced. It’s essential to have balance with these three aspects because it’s how you remain in harmony with life and in turn with yourself. Do too much of any one of these three and your imbalance will be forth coming. Moderation is a key component in any life, especially when things are being used that aren’t necessarily in your best interest to live in the healthiest way. Physical, mental, and spiritual health has to be maintained if our sense of well-being is to be maintained. In this case two out of three is bad, to the point where the one missing is the one that will cause life to be off kilter. So sit in quiet and see if there’s a deficiency in one of these areas in your life, if there is find what’s needed to be in unity with them so you can be in harmony with life, yourself, and thus with all beings…

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