Without quietness consciousness has a hard time evolving and the practice that allows it isn’t done by too many people that I encounter. This isn’t something that’s right or wrong, it is just a fact. If you live life with the tools that were developed in an unconscious state, those tools will produce a state of unconsciousness. It’s a law of nature, apple trees produce apples. In this respect it’s just the way it is, It doesn’t have to be this way, but unless you see how the unconscious tools don’t benefit your life it will remain as it is.
Quietness is what allows change to take place. If your old beliefs are in place and running the show, how is anything new ever going to replace them? It’s nearly impossible without investigating your behavior so change can occur. We develop Conditioned Mind Patterns that control our life and we say things like that’s just the way it is and we reinforce the conditionings existence when things like this are stated. This is the true nature of our unconsciousness, accepting things prior to investigating their true nature. As a society we are more aware, but this doesn’t mean we are any closer to a solution then we were three thousand years ago. It may seem like it because of the knowledge that is available, but knowledge doesn’t equate to consciousness. In quietness all truth is revealed. In the noise of a Conditioned Mind one remains in a state of that’s the way it is without any room for change…

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