Did you ever wonder why we look at our differences from each other instead of seeing our similarities? The are many more similarities than differences. Our creation starts the same. In our early years our basic needs are pretty much the same until we become conditioned to think otherwise. We exist needing the same conditions air, food, and water to survive, and regardless of the circumstances, at the end of our existence the end result is the same for everyone; nobody gets out alive. We are one species on this tiny planet.
We are all the same except for our developed habits, and most of those habits are formed based in looking at life from a self-serving perspective. When this view changes it is then that we will see our similarities instead of differences. We will understand how much we truly have in common. We will see a persons conditioning from their true self and we will stop judging what the person does because we will understand they are only doing what they have been conditioned to do. Are we not the same? So when I truly understand this it is virtually impossible to judge you, but more importantly I can stop judging me. After all I can only stop judging you when I stop judging me and when this is learned I can love you because I truly love me…

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