The Conditioned Mind is so subtle very few people know it’s even in place. I will say because of this the world is not on a course to become a world based in love, but whose to say that’s how it’s suppose to be. Even though this is what the great mystic’s spoke of and this is the message that most people who have gone deeper, including myself, try to convey, no one knows for sure.
No one knows if the world will change before humans destroy it; it‘s only through the Conditioned Mind that this is happening anyway. Maybe it’s suppose to be this way, maybe not, but a person can only change themselves and that will occur if they’re fortunate enough to realize how conditioned they really are. Look at the smugness of your own conditioning before you point the finger at someone else. After all when you point one finger at another there are three pointing back at you; take the log out of your eye before you point out the speck in someone else’s. The way we are conditioned as a species is our dilemma, this is a stark fact and until this changes nothing will change, but fret not because if you come to realize this you will understand “It’s Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts”. When you see this truth you will understand how conditioned you really are. Only then you will have the possibility of awakening and seeing the light, not a conditioned mind light, but a light provided by the Universe…

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