When standing on the beach facing the ocean it seems as though the water stretches endlessly. Obviously because of what you have been taught you know this isn’t so. Those early explorers had no way of knowing what was on the other side, they simply went into the unknown. It can be scary, but there is also a certain excitement associated with the unknown, if it’s allowed. Most of the time your own inner fear will tell not to go there; remaining with what is known is safe, but this knowing is limited; this is what leads to a mundane life. There isn’t anything wrong with this, but just understand life will never be truly experienced living this way because it will be controlled by your own applied limits. Safe is safe, but not necessarily better.
Imagine the joy when the early explorers discovered land after being out at sea for months. It’s not that being out at sea is needed to experience the relief of discovering land, but there is a certain appreciation of relief when it arises from difficulty. Joy can be experienced without the difficulties of life, but this takes much practice because of our conditioning. Joy is always there. There isn’t a special place called joy land that you discover one day and say now life is joyful. Joy is inward, people think there’s a place to experience joy, but understand wherever you go there you are. If your life isn’t joy filled, it’s not life’s fault…

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