Telling yourself to not make a story up in your head is still a story. Needing to become quiet is a story. Everything is a story except being with what is, but even making what is a place is a story. A lot of story telling going on, but that’s how most construct their daily living; one story after another. There was one story of my life years ago and today there is a different one, but it’s still a story and regardless of the label it’s just noise in the head.
A story is a story is a story. It‘s somewhat better if it’s positive, at least that’s what we tell ourselves, but that doesn’t make it any less of a story. Everyone thinks their story is the right one. Take the kamikaze pilot of WW2, he thought his story was right. How about a suicide bomber, they think their story is right. How about the USA, if we didn’t think our story was the right one there wouldn’t be involvement in all our conflicts. Story telling is the major issue of all our problems. There’s too many stories and not enough inner silence and without silence you are a slave to your story which is created by the Conditioned Mind of”I”…

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