To not get caught up and stuck in the routines of life, it has to be seen as an opportunity to carry a message of love into it. We cannot undo one single act from yesterday, good, bad, or indifferent. Our mistakes if that is how they are viewed, are only results of our Conditioned Mind Patterns that have been put in place to cope with life. If you’re not conditioned to love than how can you expect your reactions to be of love? This is only considered bad in the sense that it causes suffering because of the energy emitted from a reaction that isn’t based on love.
This energy is the stuck energy of a so called routine life, but life is anything but routine. This stuck energy doesn’t allow you to take advantage of opportunities to be an instrument of love. When this stuck energy is in control it will take much perseverance to get out of it. Think about what being stuck means and how it’s formed. It takes time to create it and it takes time to get unstuck or at least not constantly return to the repetitive behavior that creates it. The same thing has to be done over and over to create being stuck. This is how ingrained our conditioning is in our subconscious, it takes years to form and there’s much reinforcement that keeps it not only in place, but anchors it so it becomes more deeply embedded in our subconscious. That’s why its easier to discount something with less history because it’s not as deeply embedded as let’s say the way you view your parents.
With so much history it’s very difficult to view them objectively. They’re viewed with created perceptions and then we attach an identity to them as we go through life making them who we think they are. The thought of our parents is not who they are. It is only a created perception of them. These perceptions create a stuck mind which takes away the objectivity in living life; things really aren’t as we think. Our life may be lived by our thoughts, but this is the created delusion Buddha described. When we can stop putting everything in our little perception box, we will begin to become unstuck and eventually each and everyday will be a new beginning because there won’t be any energy to get stuck in…

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