The reason we are not a world of love where we live our life to benefit each other is because the process of love isn’t being followed because we are using tools which divert us from the final result of our processes true nature, which is to love. To me, this is why the world is as it is because of the breakdown in our process to love. Through the Conditioned Mind we use all kinds of diversions that don’t follow the process to love. We use tools that are self serving so we live in a self serving world. This has to happen. Remember apple trees can only produce apples. If you truly want to live a life of love that’s a benefits to all beings you will have to examine the tools you are using in the process called life. Many great teachers have left us the precise tools to use so our process is one of love, but they aren’t being used by many people. All you need to understand this is to take a long hard look at the world.
You will know if you are using the correct tools by the results of your life. Understand this, it is the tools that are used that allow the process to be followed and make the results what they are going to be. You are a result of the process. Life is the process, you are the result. The process of life would still continue even if you weren’t here; every living thing is a part of life’s process, there are no individual ones. We are all part of the whole, it just reflects as individuality, but make no mistake the whole is affected…

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