I know we mostly think as things as separate from each other and to the conceptual mind it certainly seems that they are, but when and if the mind settles, there’s a place where not one word is needed to see this fabrication of separation conjured up by the Conditioned Mind. The Conditioned Mind is based in thought and although there’s nothing wrong with thought in and of itself, life doesn’t need thought to be. All that happens in life does so without any association to the thoughts that one’s conditioning puts in place, this is what separates everything and puts it in a category of a conditioned choice.
When something is observed through the senses and put into a certain category, it separates because it is seen as being out there. Once something is out there, unity, harmony, cohesiveness, oneness, and on and on is lost. This only happens through thought. I was at the beach yesterday observing all that was going on; there were many seagulls close by. I wasn’t making up a story of anything in particular, so by just observing without applying a particular label to anything, there wasn’t separation. It’s actually a pretty cool place to be as there’s no resistance in this place to what’s there so there is much freedom. For me I’m particularly at peace when I’m at the beach because there’s a focused mindfulness on the present moment and there aren’t many distractions. So without the distraction of the conceptual mind, there’s no separation in what’s being observed so there is a natural peace that can only occur without labeling it as so.

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