Remembering Who You Are

Anything from the outside needs a story to exist and this is regardless of what it is; the outside reaching just doesn't allow you to remember who you truly are.

The only reason there's ever a struggle with life is because of not remembering who you are. It's so very easy to get caught up in the outside realm of life which makes looking inward secondary. When this happens you lose any sense of who you are because your primary view is based outside yourself and it's delusional because everything outside is impermanent. Inward is eternity, not because of the story of eternity, but because there isn't any label attached to what is experienced inward. Anything from the outside needs a story to exist and this is regardless of what it is; the outside reaching just doesn't allow you to remember who you truly are. The Bible states to "Be still" this can only occur from the inside out. Why most people forget who they are is because they're trying to be still (outside) instead of just being still.

The main difference in what I see (who I am) as opposed to most is there's no story needed to be who I am. There's nothing to manifest, nor does anything need to be different so for the most part there's a steady stream of peace in my life. Imagine if you will that you live every moment of everyday as it is without needing it different, and imagining it is as far as you will get, that is until it is seen that in not wanting or needing anything different is the only true place of remembering who you are. You can make up any story you want of who you are, but that doesn't make it true, so stop trying to do and "Be still" and you just might remember who you truly are and it won't be because of the need to apply a label or story.


  1. "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth" (Psalm 46:10).

  2. Know the God that loves you more than you can fathom! He loved you so much He left His throne of glory, entered our physical reality, just to die for you on the cross!
