When there is reliance on the outer as a source for one’s sense of well being, there will be much disappointment and unhappiness in life. This is because people don’t know themselves and this lack of understanding causes much harm, especially when there are ties to your emotions. When there is attachment to emotions there will be much suffering. I don’t think the person who coined the phrase “It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all” understood that his statement entrapped one to their own suffering. When you get tied into your emotions there is a direct link to suffering. If you love and you get emotionally attached, if you’re not loved in return or when the loved one goes away, there is much suffering. I’m not saying don’t love, I’m saying don’t attach, that’s the key.
Understanding the conditioning that ties one to their emotions is the only way one will break the bondage to them. I am more loving today than ever and yet I’m less attached than ever before. It truly is a beautiful place to be because it takes the emotional swings out of the picture and without those swings, one’s life is on more stable ground. I’m not here to debate whether emotions are needed or not, I just know they can wreck havoc and make life as if it was a roller coaster. Without attaching to the things that ties one to their emotions there’s a stability that just isn’t there when there’s attachment. It is beautiful to truly experience love, it’s just not so beautiful when one is tied to something emotionally and it goes away.

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