In order to go in a different direction in your life, seeing the need for new possibilities at least has to be acknowledged that the need exist. My change of direction was in discovering the new possibility of living a peaceful existence, but I first had to discover that there wasn’t peace and why this was. Most times we don’t want new doors to open because the Conditioned Mind just loves to stay entrapped to the familiar. What’s crazy about this is it’s done even if what’s being held onto isn’t in our best interest; the insanity of the Conditioned Mind. No one knows what the future holds unless the past is held onto. Remaining in the familiarity of the past keeps you not only entrapped to it, but it doesn’t allow for any new possibilities to arise. This is why even when people win the lottery, it doesn’t change them internally because the old conditioning remains.
This non change is exactly what happened to me, I had outer change, but my old conditioning remained in place. So although it seemed like I was taking advantage of new possibilities, no new possibilities truly arose. Things happened that made it seem like there was change, but everything that happened was manufactured by me in some way. That was until ten years ago when new possibilities arose, because there was internal change. Remember no one knows what the future holds unless the past is held onto and this is because holding onto the familiarity of the past not only keeps one entrapped to it, but it doesn’t allow for any new possibilities to arise.

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