It’s very important to reflect on the past and learn from it, but if the arising energy is from regret, it will be counterintuitive to your well being. The past is the past and unless it’s allowed to remain there it will constantly be brought into the present along with its regretful energy. Any past action regardless of what it was is over as soon as it happens. If it’s held onto and relived, it transforms the free flowing energy of the present into energy that binds one to a self that doesn’t truly exist, which is also counterintuitive to one’s well being. The past is real to the extent that it happened, but it’s not real to the extent that it’s held onto. I don’t shut the door on the past, I just don’t live there because regrets energy makes the past delusional by taking one from the moment of the present.
There are choices in life only when there are options, but if regretting the past is in control of the present, there is no choice, there is only the stagnation of living in the regret of the past. The past is important to the degree that we use it to learn from, but that’s it, it causes more problems than it’s worth. All judgements come from the past which blocks the free flowing energy of the present moment. You can only do what you’re conditioned to do so there’s no reason to regret anything. Regrets are only in place because one thinks there was a choice, but once there’s awareness there wasn’t, all regrets can be let go of because it is seen you only did what you were conditioned to do and you really didn’t have a choice.

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