If you’re wondering why life seems to be a struggle with only fleeting moments of happiness and peace, you may want to check out what you are using to snuff out the struggle. If you’re trying to use the mind that’s creating the struggle to stop it, the struggle won’t cease because you can’t use the same mind to stop it. This is the trap most people get stuck in and very very few ever get out of it. This is one of the reasons I don’t advocate positive thinking as a way to happiness and peace, it takes as much energy to be positive as it does to be negative and although the results are different outwardly, the inner bondage is the same; if one is in bondage there’s very little space for peace or happiness. The reason a broken mind can’t fix itself is because there’s nothing there. Where is this thing labeled as mind? It can’t be seen, smelt, tasted, or felt, but yet one makes the mind the base of their entire existence. It’s no wonder there’s a constant struggle, how can there not be!
The mind is never present because it can’t exist there, it’s why there is a constant thought stream of using the past and future. If a practice of using the body isn’t developed (because it’s the only place that exist) happiness and peace will be a commodity that remains fleeting at best. If you hold onto all the lies of the past and future, the struggle with life will remain and it will be because you are holding onto the things that allow it. Your life is your hands, no one else can make you live in the present. If you say life is difficult then it is. If you’re just with life as it is without labeling it as anything, then and only then will the mind struggle cease and it will be because you’re not doing the thing that allows it to occur.

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