In the space between your thoughts there is unity with yourself. The more space that‘s created, the more this unity infiltrates not only your life, but the life of others…
In each moment there’s a decision to be made and that is to either create a story about whatever is going on in the Conditioned Mind or to create space between your thoughts. These places of existence are vastly different on an individual and collective level. If the decision is to constantly create stories your mind will never settle and your true essence of love will not be allowed to infiltrate your life and the lives of others. This is the decision of most people because of the ignorance of your own conditioning; you can only do what you’re we taught. There’s nothing right or wrong in this, it’s just what’s in place. It will take much quietness to make a different decision, with the quietness affording an opportunity to wake up and become aware of your conditioning.
When you’re in unity with yourself you’re in unity with the Universe, with all of creation, with creation, and with all beings. Struggles are no more because after all they only struggle is with yourself. It’s the created story that causes your struggles so when space is created between your thoughts there is no story and without a story it’s impossible to struggle. In this space it becomes known that your struggles are just what’s created by a Conditioned Mind that has been in control for far to long. So when the decision is made to create the space between your thoughts, in it you discover unity with yourself, the unity of life and the unity of all creation…

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