The inner nudge that keeps you searching for something (peace) arises from the thought realm of “I”. Only when the mind of “I” is let go of will the inner nudge subside and lo and behold therein lies your peace...
Many people are on a so called spiritual quest to find something, for me this something was an inner nudge to be at peace; I say was because the nudge is no longer there. For far to many years I didn’t truly understand this inner nudge and so it was always there as was the searching to quiet it. This searching manifested in many different ways and none were beneficial. This is because of the way I was conditioned to self seek (quiet the nudge) which kept the nudge in place. What a hamster wheel ride this produced; hence there wasn’t much peace in my life. This lasted for forty nine years and one day through a tiny crack in my ego armor, there arose the possibility of a different view of life which was revealed to me and gave me some real answers as to the nature of the inner nudge.
Thirteen years ago what began as just a crack has been expanding ever since. For the most part the inner nudge is no longer there because it’s been replaced with peace. When the mind becomes agitated and the inner nudge does return because of Conditioned Mind Patterns in place, I’ve learned to see it from the “I” perspective that it arises from and not attach to it. Only attachment to “I” keeps the inner nudge in place so one has to search instead of being at peace. The search for peace will never result in peace because the search itself is what keeps you from experiencing peace. In this moment right now is where peace is; there’s no need to search for what already is. It’s only when the mind settles and “I” is let go of that your inner nudge will subside and lo and behold that’s when you will be at peace…

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