No emotion arises on its own. Many things provide the fuel for an emotion, but it’s always “I” energy that’s at the core. No matter what happens an emotion can’t arise independent of ”I”…
No emotion arises on its own. There has to be fuel (attachment to “I”) for the emotion to arise. Many things provide the fuel for this emotional attachment to take hold, but it’s always “I” energy that’s at the core of any emotion. Take a look at the emotion of anger, it doesn’t exist on its own. No matter what happens, anger will never arise independent of ”I”. You cannot be angry without the attachment of “I” so it’s always “I” that provides the fuel for anger to rear its ugly head. The thing about this is conditions have to be a certain way that allows anger, without the conditions being a certain way anger would never arise; it can’t.
I’ll use the example of a forest fire, it too needs conditions to be a certain way for it to ignite; it needs air, heat, and fuel. A forest fire just can’t happen without one of these elements. It needs fuel first of all plus it needs the other two elements in order for the fire to ignite. This wouldn’t even be an issue if it just rained so a forest fire is contingent on conditions being a certain way in order for there to be a fire. This is no difference with emotions, in this case anger. Something happens and the anger is furled by “I”. If there wasn’t attachment to “I” prior to something happening, the emotion would fizzle out. It would be as if it was raining in the forest; you never hear of forest fires in the rainy seasons and that’s because conditions simply don’t support it. Anger is being used here, but this is the way it is with any emotion. Without certain conditions being met there may be fuel, but if “I” isn’t the energy in play, the emotion simply will never arise…

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