If you think something that happens in your life is difficult that label comes from you and this is regardless of what it is. You may say there are exceptions to this, but labeling what happens as difficult comes from unconscious energy, and it keeps you entrapped to reacting unconsciously. Unconscious energy keeps you entrapped to what you label as difficult. I’m not saying to go around and ignore what happens, but understand the label applied comes from you alone. Many people state their opinions on many things and that’s okay, but what’s not understood is one can only respond with what’s in them. Nothing is truly right or wrong, to me what’s important is to find the truth beneath whatever it is that arises from within me. Regardless of how unconscious someone is or what happens in life, seeing what arises from within is what makes a difference.
Unconsciously reacting to what occurs is the same energy as opinionated energy. It seems different because of how the mind always wants to make a stand for what it likes, but it’s the same storied energy; it just uses different titles. Years ago a so called friend unconsciously ended our relationship because he didn’t understand this energy had nothing to do with either one of us; this is how it is with all of life. Even though things affect you, giving in to unconscious energy magnifies its effect. Life is as difficult as the unconscious energy makes it and until one learns to be with what happens without applying a conditioned label, what happens will continue its onslaught of control as if you were a puppet on a string, with the strings being unconscious energy…

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