Problems are made up by a Conditioned Mind that doesn’t accept what’s occurring in the present moment. It wants the present moment different and it actually makes you think if it was different all would be well; this is the fallacy of the Conditioned Mind. All is well right now, but because of the Conditioned Mind it’s not seen so problems are made up just to do something. I’ve always had a tendency to make everything into a problem and although I don’t attach to this as I once did, many times making a problem is still my first thought.
Yesterday I was washing clothes and I put them in the dryer. When they were almost finished drying I opened the door to pull out a shirt, there were red spots on it. I pulled all the clothes out and found a red pen in the dryer; there was also red ink all over the dryer. The first response was my usual making this a problem thought, the clothes are ruined. I took a step back and took a deep breath, I grabbed a shirt and cleaned a spot, the ink came out. I then cleaned the inside of dryer. I rewashed all the clothes and an hour and a half later it was as if nothing had happened. I don’t concern myself too much with my thoughts anymore, the attachment to them is what I watch now; the clothes can be substituted with anything. The Conditioned Mind loves to make up problems and until this is seen it will continue to do so even though nothing is truly a problem because everything passes; at least to a mind that sees just how conditioned it really is…

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