To me this is the main problem why so many people continually seek peace and why it remains elusive. Peace is mostly being sought as a concept through the thought realm and the thought of peace will never bring about that which is thought to be desired. Only the thought that you are not at peace makes you not at peace. You can ask, if I think I’m at peace will I be, I say no because it’s as if you are talking yourself into it. It’s like whistling in the dark to keep away the boogeyman; its more so a distraction than a real tool of peace. To go deeper, notice the thought “I” at the center of wanting peace. Anything from the desire of ”I” always creates a problem because creating problems is the nature of “I”. It pushes away the truth of what is and looks for what isn’t. This is what “I” does, it constantly looks for what isn’t in the form of wanting the present moment different. It uses all kinds of concepts and beliefs that one blindly adheres to when doing this.
Here’s an example using a loved one dying. The sadness that arises from this is truth, but now take grief and watch how it arises strictly from not wanting the person who died to have done so. I will miss them is an “I“ story, this creates tightness as if one is a closed fist. Being sad because a loved one dies is natural and if you could just be with the sadness, the fist would remain open and an “I” story wouldn’t come into play, nor would the suffering grief causes. Anyone who says grief is a natural process has never truly investigated it at this level; they’re probably only repeating what someone else said. Don’t take my word for this, investigate this for yourself, or not and remain a prisoner to the concepts and beliefs that “I” makes up which will always keep you from truly being at peace simply because of the thought you are not at peace…

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