We should make it our daily focus to always tolerate others only because we don’t like it when someone isn’t tolerant of us. We all do the best we can with our developed tools. No two lives are the same as we all view life differently because our experiences are different, and because someone has different experiences that doesn’t make one right and one wrong. The point being everyone has a right to their own view and their own experiences and no one can tell another they’re truly wrong because no two views are the same.
No one knows what I went through for my view to be as it is today as I don’t know what anyone else went through. We’ve all had many experiences to develop whatever view we have in place so we are as we are, and because no two lives go through the same thing we all view life differently; no one is more right than the next person. Here is the key, love is the message we should be focused on and the one that should be shared.
Don’t be to harsh when someone does something. Treat others how you want to be treated. Don’t add to their suffering by being intolerant because they’re probably doing the best they can with the tools they have in place. Everyone is the cause of their own suffering, what happens doesn’t cause it, the perspective in place does. I know it’s not easy to see things in this way, but what happens when there’s intolerance of others is you wind up causing your own suffering…

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