Dependency is dependency regardless of what it is and the reason there is a failure rate and not a success one in treating addiction is because the true cause of it isn’t identified. When a person needs to reach for anything, not just drugs and alcohol the reason why needs to be identified if there is ever going to be freedom. The answer has been provided to me and it is my obligation to share it. This isn’t some ego trip, these answers are real. My writings explain from my experience why this reaching is so and what can be done to stop it. It’s based on Condition Mind Patterns that are formed by inner and outer influences that control you as if you were a puppet on a string. Through ignorance most people are controlled by Conditioned Mind Patterns until the day they die and far too many die before they are provided with an answer. These Conditioned Mind Patterns are in everyone; we are all addicts, we just reach for different things.
I am but the instrument in all of this, but it‘s my obligation to get this message out to as many people as possible. A real answer has been provided to me with a practical solution to end the human condition of reaching, not by substituting one dependency for another, but by truly learning to be free in the present moment. The true bondage is in the need to satisfy a false self; that is the addiction. The things reached for don’t matter, but why they have to be reached for does. Learn this truth because it’s only this truth that will ever truly set you free…

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