Having intentions aligned with love is worth more than all the books combined on what it means to be spiritual, and why this is so is because your intentions are yours and the content of any book is someone else’s. Someone else’s idea of you will never be you, no matter if their way is copied exactly, this is why many remain in the struggle because they’re trying to be someone else’s idea of who they are. You can use books, methods, and whatnot as pointers, but the deep underlying intentions of why you do what you do will need to be reflected upon to see if the results of your efforts are aligned with love. Not a story of love or the love that arises from effort, but from your inner alignment. This is where effort is meaningless if it’s not aligned with Universal Love; only aligned intentions will do this.
There are as many books as there are people practicing, but everyone who reads a book and practices doesn’t necessarily awaken. This is because the intentions aren’t of the necessary energy that allows the alignment to be of a loving heart. Clear intentions need to be seen if there is to be harmony with all beings. This doesn’t mean a person won’t harm you or animals and insects won’t bite you, but it is less likely you will put yourself in those type of situations with having the intentions of a loving heart. In the space of stillness one learns to see their intentions and in the process have those intentions aligned with Universal Love. When this occurs you will love all beings, not because of effort, but because this is the way love works when your intentions are aligned with Universal Love…

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