Understanding that living your given life as opposed to the life you think you should have is the difference in being at peace or being controlled by the conditioned memory. When you’re with what arises you’re with the reality of what truly is, not a made up reality. When there’s isn’t the reality of what is, there’s the delusional state of what isn’t which makes for very little peace.
True life is what’s occurring right now so it would mean if you’re reading this post that’s what’s here now; there’s nothing else going on beyond what’s happening right now. There may be some conditioned memory thought going on in between your ears, but that’s the created delusional state of what isn’t and making it into what is; the bottom line is it’s not the reality of wha’s occurring right now. The mind has been conditioned to use its memory to create a life it thinks is better than the one occurring right now. I’m not sure why this is, but I do know this has to do with conditioning beyond ones control. To me what matters is to develop discipline which allows for the awareness of this conditioning. Control is control and the more your memory is in control the less reality there is. Unless one lives with the reality of what’s occurring right now and learns how to identify the controlling memory, it will be impossible to ever be free because you will remain under the spell of the conditioned memory…

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