The world can weigh you down because it’s as if you bend down when the day starts and literally pick up all the conditioning that has been amassed up to the age that you are. For me I carried around forty nine years of amassed conditioning until I began to say no to bending down and picking it up. This amassing was done only because I knew no other way, so every morning this taking the world upon my shoulders had to be done; like I said it was as if I was bending down and picking up whatever conditioning was there. This equates to the weight of world because that’s how heavy the conditioning is. When you begin to see how the heaviness of what you are carrying around is only there because you’ve picked it up, you can begin to not do this and watch life become much lighter.
There’s such a lightness to life when the conditioning isn’t carried around and even if it does arise, it still doesn’t have to be carried. Carry around amassed conditioning or simply not picking it up is as different as night a day. It’s the difference between being weighed down by attachment or having free flowing energy in control. Nobody can force you to bend down and pick something up, it’s simply done so because of your own conditioning in place, but when there’s an understanding of this even though the mind may say bend over and pick this up, you can just say no and remain free from carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

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