Part of the struggle that many have with truth is it’s seen through mind perceptions and since the mind has nothing solid as a base, it makes it different for everyone. But a perception of something doesn’t mean how it is being perceived is truth. What it means to see truth is to experience a quietness that needs no label. Truth doesn’t need to be defined for it to be so, as a matter of fact the more one gets entangled in the words of what truth is, the further away from it they become. This really needs to be investigated if it’s to be seen, but understand it’s not truth that will be seen, it’s the quietness that reveals what truth isn’t that will be seen. Part of what blocks most people from truly understanding life is they’re trying to understand life. I know as much about life today as I did the day I was born, but what I do know is there’s nothing to know that will enhance life one bit because it’s not designed that way. Knowing all about an apple doesn’t make it taste better.
Another book, retreat, meetings, meditation/yoga session, or anything else for that matter won’t reveal truth to you because it’s only in quietness that it’s revealed. This is the main struggle in society today because far too many think their perception is truth. Granted it is their truth, but only as a mind construct. Because everyone has different conditioning, we have the world as it is with just as many versions of truth as there are people, but without quietness none of those versions are true.

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